Employment Law Guernsey
If you are an employee who thinks you may have been unfairly dismissed, disciplined or made redundant, sexually discriminated against, bullied or harassed in the workplace or in some other way treated unfairly or illegally by your employer, we can help you.
If you are an employer who has had a complaint made against you and needs help to deal with it, or if you are facing difficulties in the workplace and want to make sure that you deal with them lawfully, we can help you too.
In all cases we can advise you, assist you, support you and, if necessary, represent you.
Phone us on 07781 129643 or contact us here.
We can meet you day time, evenings or weekends, at your home, our office or anywhere else.....and we charge a lot less than Court Row! In fact in some cases we will work on a "no win no fee" basis.
Let's see what we can do to help.
Castle Defence Employment Law Services: a friend in the Guernsey workplace